Thursday 11 November 2010

Lever Trust Prize

I got a commission to produce the 2011 prize for the Lever Trust.   Previously they had had them made in metal and glass see on left.
Not my normal thing but I am getting to an age when the attraction of climbing up a pile of pallets in the middle of a park waiving a chainsaw at a tree stump, may be declining.    I am looking to break into the corporate market and this is my first opportunity. 

Cutting the outside shape was easy.    But the inside has had me worried for some months.   I got a Draper fretsaw for £5 from Ebay, and experimented with it.     Got some glass paper files for cleaning up the inside of the cut out bits.     Had been able to hide behind the lack of knowing who was the winner, until  I had run out of excuses.


Finally I did it!!!!    Only took a day when I got down to it.     All that planning, tool gathering, and practising paid off.       Now I have to produce the base and carve the name of the winner on it.    I suppose I will have to keep that secret.